KJH World Travel has partnered with us, so we can help
Save the Stories of their Bride and Groom clients memories of each other.
Plus from Family, Wedding Party & Friends who support them forever!
"Love the Memories" Interviews by phone and video call
with submitted pics on screen to tell the stories of them.
Please Watch our Overview Video below
Remote nationwide interviews with the Couple, Family, and Wedding Party/Friends. We walk you through questions/memories of the couple on a Video Call and pre-call we create Pictures Slides of the Couple moments with family or friends who are being interviewed so their face can be seen and the photos can be shown to describe the back story. We guide the conversation and showcase them on screen during video call interview. We also can BY Phone and the person interviewed Pic will be added to the Library of Love Memories Page next to their Audio/Phone or Video Call w/ Pics interview. ![]()
We create a "Library of Love" private online page to link all the interviews for the couple, family and friends can access listen/watch and the couple can save them for generations. It can even have a custom web name to text or email to people. BrideGroomNameMemoriesorWedding.com Pictures can be added too.
Plus showcasing the Family and Friends Memories of them to enjoy
At the Reception, Honeymoon, Any Day they want to enjoy the memories and love
Please> Submit Info Here < Or Email> [email protected]
We will follow up to schedule a Q & A call and we will cover pricing, packages, and how this can be customized
Our By Phone Personal Interviewing service can be applied for any, Wedding, Birthday, Anniversary, Reunion, or Corporate Employee Engagement
Click Above for How This Works: From Paul with DJ Connection speaking with Adrienne and Sean from Voices of Weddings PLEASE LISTEN ABOVE
Voices Live On is a Life Stories, Shared Memories & Appreciating People Interviewing Service for All Ages. We can interview by Phone for Wedding & Events: Pre Calls-At Reception-& Post Reception Guest calls + Couples Honeymoon Highlights.
Wedding Couples/Families receive a Library of Love/Life Memories Page linking all interviews from the Brides favorite memories and appreciation of the Groom & Vice Versa, Parents, Grandparents, Family Members, Wedding Party, Reception Guests, Friends & People who cant make it. FINAL PRODUCT: On the private Library of Love/Life Stories Page- People can CLICK Each persons "Name" on the digital page, and listen to their favorite memories and best wishes again and again. Share the Library of Love/Life page & people can listen, download and save any segment they choose, and share multiple interviews with generations to come.
Hi this is Adrienne are you giving a Wedding Couple a favorite memories & appreciation interview by phone?
Please> Submit Info Here < Or Email> [email protected] I will follow up! |
Click & Listen to Paul McAtee Regional Director for DJ Connection speak with Voices Live On Founder Sean Kurker
Wedding Interviews Overview Click Play
DJ Connection is in 15 markets and in Indianapolis area handled in 2019, 450+ weddings, corporate events, private parties, and more. DJ Connection is a professional Wedding DJ company founded in 1999! They have been inducted into the Knot Hall of Fame and are Wedding Wire's Couples Choice.
![]() Avon Wedding & Event Barn: Jenn Event Director speaks about DJ Connection & Voices Live On value to clients. Click & Listen Event Venue Overview: Avon Wedding & Event Barn Click & Listen
Jordans Testimonial what she loved about her Fiance Paul's Interview about her and benefits for wedding couples and families.
Click & Listen Paul's Appreciation Interview for Fiancee Jordan Click & Listen Jordans Appreciation Interview for Paul. Click & Listen Parents Appreciation and Favorite Memories from Paul Click & Listen https://djconnection.com/ |
Wedding Interviews:
We help preserve the VOICES of the Bride and Groom, Wedding Party, and family and friends. #1 Before the wedding: Over the Phone Interviews A) Couple about each other B) Wedding Party C) Family & Friends D) People who can't come. E) Seniors Life Stories for Families F) Kids Appreciation of GrandParents #2 At the Rehearsal Dinner & Reception we can interview face to face. #3 After the Reception we can call Wedding Guests that signed up for phone interview. They can pay as a gift individually, or we can add it to total. |
Corporate & Private Events Interviews:
Interviews that showcase:
Example: Faith and Corbin:
We Create a Shareable page for each client/family. Everyone can access their own, listen to others, download save and share them forever. Wedding> www.FaithandCorbin.com Audio Interviews Pics can be included with each persons interview. www.LaVons75thBirthday.com Same concept for Weddings/Events Click Here> 50th Wedding Anniversary Bill & Sandy www.FiveStarDanceStories.com 50th Twin Brothers Birthday Appreciation www.TotsandPawsGala.com |
LIBRARY OF LOVE & Favorite Memories PAGE
A Few Public Page Examples: 9 X Indy 500 Winning Family Honoring the Unsers 50 Video Call/Phone Interviews with Racing Legends including Mario Andretti www.UnserStories.com |
CONTACT Our Founder Sean at: 317.514.5321 or email [email protected]
Interested? [Click here and submit] we will follow up
Public Page Examples are Below:
Professional Weddings Interviews
Library of Life Stories & Appreciation Messages Guided Conversations Saved & Share Forever By: Interviews are PRIVATE: You receive Segment Links attached below How do we interview? 4 ways: 1: Over the Phone Interviews Before Wedding: Bride, Groom, 10-15 mins Appreciation & Benchmark moments and favorite memories Interviews Parents & Grand Parents Best man Maid of Honor 5-10 Minutes Wedding Party, Family & Friends Up To 5 Mins Brief your relations and best wishes Up to 2 Mins CALL TIMES Will be Scheduled in Hour Blocks for People to Call In or We contact them (Example: Date-Wed 7-8pm Thurs 5-7pm) 2: At Reception: Guests in person- We will have a table area, We can have a pre-set list from seating chart and notify tables. We charge Per Hour on site Per Story Guide.
* VIDEO IS CUSTOM PRICING or Over Phone After Via: Call List up to 5 minutes (SAFELY STORED IN OUR VAULT/CLOUD) Email-Download-Share-Save-Segments! Questions About: How they met the couple | Favorite Memories | Best Wishes Example: Interview Sheet - Click & Listen to each segment & Keep Forever Interviews: Over the Phone before Wedding or call after if needed: |
Bride: | Meeting the Groom | Dating | Proposal | Appreciation | Future Goals
Groom: | Meeting the Bride | Dating | Proposal | Appreciation | Future Goals Parents of Groom: Why they like the Bride | Favorite Memories | Advice | Best Wishes Parents of Bride: Why they like the Groom | Favorite Memories | Advice | Best Wishes Why they like the Couple | Favorite Memories | Advice | Best Wishes Maid of Honor | Bridesmaid name 1 | name 2 | name 3 | name 4 | name 5 | name 6 | Best Man | Groomsman name 1 | name 2 | name 3 | name 4 | name 5 | name 6 | etc….. Family & Grand Parents | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3 | Name 4 | Name 5 | Name 6 | Name 7 At the Reception: Name of Guest 1| Name of Guest 2 | Name of Guest 3 | Name of Guest 4 | And so on, and so on, and so on…………………………………………………………………….. |
On Sale
On Sale
At The Om Home Feb 2 ......6pm--7:30pm [This is the 1st Open Group Session]
6516 Ferguson Broad Ripple West of Fire By Monon & East of Cake Bake www.OmHome.world
Voices Live On, our community partner created this event.
They are a Life Stories & Appreciating People Interviewing Service:
- People can come, listen, and witness inspiration!
- People can Share, Educate, and Inspire Others!
Voices Live On, STORY GUIDES HELP each person speaking.
They will intro the segments and ask questions to help guide the conversations and enrich the segment to share forever.
Each person that wants to "Speak & Share" will also be AUDIO recorded separately.
BONUS: Sharing their segment with family and friends, which they can enjoy and save for years to come.
- AT EVENT: Gain up to 90 Minutes of Inspiration from People to motivate your on coming week, and learn more about each other!
- Share your Passionate VOICE FOREVER with... A Lover, Spouse, Child, Parent, Grand Parent, Friend, Co-Worker, Boss,
- or Someone you just met to make them feel great!
Grand Parents | Parents | Giving Birth and Feelings | High School & College Friends | Life Success | Near Death Experiences | Travel with People |
Adventure | Personal Achievement | Love of Pets | Volunteering | Recipes | or whatever you what to share and inspire someone.
First & Favorite Shared Memories | How they supported you | Describing their Personality | Best Wishes to them |
*** Honoring someone who has pass on.
$11 to attend and become inspired
$11 to Save & Gift a Life Story (3 Mins on average)
$11 to Save & Gift Favorite Memories and Appreciation about someone (3 Mins on average)
You can pre-pay to attend and ADD being interviewed for a life story or appreciating a person message.
In General Voices Live On Interviews can happen over the phone or face to face.
IF YOU WANT TO SAVE A STORY OR APPRECIATION- Please increase the quantity to 2 or 3.
1 for attending event for up to 90 minutes of inspiration
YOU WILL BE Emailed your interview segment to share with anyone you wish. They can play listen and download the segment to their phone, computer, or ever post on social media.
6516 Ferguson Broad Ripple West of Fire By Monon & East of Cake Bake
On Sale
On Sale
Appreciation & Favorite Memories Interviews: For People- Weddings-& Events
Surprise Gift Senior, Couple, or Friend Appreciation & Favorite Memories from Many People to access whenever forever.
We can call multiple people, walk them through shared favorite memories and appreciation for a person or couple.
Pricing based on 3 Levels: Up to 2, 5 , 10 or 15 minutes. Multiple X1 X2 X 3 X5 multiple quantity X sales price.
Each person will have their own segment add to the GIFT LIBRARY OF LOVE PAGE for the person or couple to access when they need to hear the love and reminisce.
up to 2 Minutes Base Memory & Best Wishes Friends/ Extended Family
up to 5 Minutes Base Memories Shared Memories and Appreciation Friends/ Immediate Family/Wedding Party
up to 10 Minutes Parents Grand Parents, Maid of Honor Best Man
up to 15 Minutes Bride & Groom Full interviews about each other up to 10 topic areas.
Each person can access their segment for the Couple or Families LIBRARY OF LOVE and LIFE Page. People Click each name and listened to their segment, shared, saved, texted, emailed, linked to social media posts, and websites too.
People can prepay for Family or Friend groups,we can complete appreciation interviews by a target date you provide.
Email our Founder and we will get started: [email protected] or call 317.514.5321
Roast or Toast Phone Campaign- Surprise a Bride, Groom, Friend, Boss, Co-Worker, Family Member, Manager, or Whoever!
Roast or Toast? Phone Interviews or Video Call w/ Images showcased on screen to discuss back story.
Whats the #1 & #2 Problem with every Roast or Toast?
& Not Everyone has a chance to Say Want They Want.
This could be for a Boss, Manager, Persons Birthday, Anniversary, or any occasion???
Solution: OVER THE PHONE PRE-RECORDED Interviews multiple friends, co-workers, family members, with a set list of questions, combined on to one digital document, Sent to the LUCKY PERSON or COUPLE. **** BONUS and Sent to Everyone who contributed. Everyone can Listen to Everyone Forever!
We will work with the HOST, or Multiple HOST's of a Person's/Couples Surprise PHONE Interviewing ROAST.
The Host/Hosts Covers the Cost...
*** Who's getting SURPRISED
- Host/Hosts makes a list of numbers for us to call?
- Each Person call gets up to 5 Mins to Roast or Toast or BOTH
- Tell Funny Stories, Crazy Situations, Great Praise, Embarrassing Moments, ITS YOUR 5 MINS: LOL
- $30 Per Edited Segment Link
- If people want to add more Stories or Thanks- That's ok too! Same Rate
- HOST- Go to Packages page scroll down, & Pre-Buy a Minimum of 5 X Quantities $20 for 5 People
- When you check out. in the Notes Segment SUBMIT YOUR GROUP NAME.
- Everyone else can pay for their own segments, the host can of course pre-pay for as many as projected.
You can email: [email protected] your Host Name and Your Group Name and target Date for completion: