1. Raise a NEW REVENUE STREAM year round!:
Donors or Members that pay for a Loved One, Veteran, or Family Life Interview, or Family Appreciation Project. The Non-Profit gains donations from each paid interview. 2. Building a WEBSITE STORY archive: As we interview Donors, Event Guests, People you help, we can ask them to speak about your cause and how it has helping them or why they support it. Each Segment can be linked to your NEW STORY & SUPPORT Archive on your website. |
3. Securing Event Guests & Donor Testimonials:
At Events we can have Story Guides with short list of "Approved Questions", ask the guest if they would like to answer, take a pic of the guest, Record the Q & A, and have them sign a release from. (OVER THE PHONE is possible too) 4. Interview Boards, Committee Members, Employees, and the people you help in the community. A 3rd PARTY Interviewing gives a more real and un-bias aspect to segments. |