Welcome to TWA Alumni Interviews.
How many TWA Alumni Careers can be Saved from Alumni or Family members telling their story, honoring them, so their story lives on. Saving them for current and next generations, plus the KS Museum for 25th Year Anniversary of "Final Flight" in 2024 and years to come. Single- Couple- & Multiple People Video Calls/ Phone Call-Interviews are possible. |
Our Goal is to have each position represented from each Chapter, if you worked for TWA and other Airlines Employee Career Interviews for each position from each Station/Chapter Which Positions did you work? Pilot | Co-Pilot | Flight Engineer | Cargo | Mechanic | Ticket Agent | Cabin Attendant Commissary | Data Services | Reservations | Materials Management |Air Craft, Fleet, Service Maintenance | Baggage Chapters: AZ, So CA, N CA, CO, FLA Gold Coast, FLA sw, IND, KS-MO, STL-MO, NJ, NYC, International, Flight Attendants, Polit Assoc TARPA Did you work any of these stations? SET | PDX | SMF | OAK | SFO | SJC | LAX | SAN | LGB | ONT | BUR | RNO | SLC | ABQ | LAS | PHX | TUC | AMR | DEN | DFW | OKC | TUL | MCI | MKC | OMA | MSP | ORD | MDW | STL | MRY | ATL | CLE | CVG | HUT | FTW | LVL | BNA | PIT | RDU | DCA | BWI | PHL | EWR | LGA | BOS | JFK | MIA | TPA Your Personal interview can help save your career stories, honor your spouse, honor co-workers, & family memories in a guided relaxed video call interview that can include your TWA pictures and memorabilia images, Or By Phone. Who can Enjoy? Your Family, TWA Alumni, Future Generations, & KS Museum |
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AT THE BOTTOM: *** Please submit your info to Learn more about how to have your own interview By Phone or Video Call that can include your photos on screen to discuss and your face telling the tales. Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you. <Click Here & Enter Your Info> |
President Ambassadors Club: Madeline Bohannon's Career & Life Story interview.
She wants all Alumni to Save their Story as well. & SKYLINER Publisher . Watch below
Indianapolis Chapter Honors Madeline from Greg Tyler President IND and local Alumni at Monthly Luncheon. Watch Below. Family can Honor TWA Alumni that have passed on as well and tell their story. Submit your info and you will be contacted how this can work for you.
Secretary of National Ambassadors Club Tish Tucker
Watch Don's Testimonial speaking about his interview and value to TWA & Family Including old TWA Photo as screen slides we create for him.
VP of Ambassadors Club Tony Campanero
You can save your Career Documentary Interview for fellow alumni, family, friends, and next generations. *** Plus: They will be linked to KS Museum/Website with this YouTube channel.
Click Here> TWA Interviews NEW YouTube Channel
*** Please submit your info to Learn more about how to have your own interview
By Phone or Video Call that can include your photos on screen to discuss and your face telling the tales.
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
By Phone or Video Call that can include your photos on screen to discuss and your face telling the tales.
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
LIVE VIDEO CALL INTERVIEWs EXAMPLES BELOW: & Historic Photo Screen Slides used in their interview discussions
#1 PLUS YOU CAN... Share your career interview by text, email, social media, and on digital/printed career cards with your name & main hub in address for people to look up.
#2 Interviews will touch on your lives before, career experiences, TWA travel, and family memories/support.
#3 We can create screen slides with your photos for us to discuss and you tell the back story's as we walk through your memories.
#4 Alumni can also have their own private page to ADD.... family members interviews, life stories, family memories of seniors, and honor who's has passed on from family and close friends. Interviews are BY PHONE or Video Call with family photo slides. World Wide...
#5 Gain the collective knowledge of your family's life experiences to learn from each persons perspective. A Family's Private Interviews page, links everyone's memories to one spot for each person to access by their phones, tablets, and computers & Save Forever!
To Learn more about how to have your own please submit your contact Info:
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
Download the File to review Interview topics and question examples: plus how you can send in your photos to be incorporated into your video call interview.
TWA IND Chapter President and KS Museum Advocate, Greg Tyler speaks about the value of interviews, and Mary Ann from JFK Hub was connected with people she hadn't talked to in 30 years that saw her video that we posted on Facebook.
Watch Mary Ann's Message to TWA Alumni: Interview Testimonial
Mary Ann, who worked the JFK Hub speaks to TWA Alumni about her enjoyment of the interview and flow of good questions to cover her life, and honor her husband.
LAX & MCI Supervisor Luvern Dokter
Phone Interview IND Hub David Baldauf
David Baldauf Indianapolis Chapter was born in 1944 old from Pittsboro IN. David is on the left and tell his life story's path to 39 years with TWA which started in 1964 1st hub Indy, then Champagne Ill, then Sarasota FL. then Indy then St Louis, then Indy. David also work in Baggage, Cargo, Ticket Counter and honors co workers and times with them. Plus, major changes in the industry.
To Learn more about how to have your own please submit your contact Info:
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
Name, Phone, Email, Years Serving TWA, Hubs worked, Positions and we will follow up with you.
<Click Here & Enter Your Info>
Gary Tanner STL and IND about his Career and TWA Memorabilia
Gary's wife Fran Tanner telling stories and honoring him.
Gary's Family & Friends love his career interview.
BY Phone with Picture Overlay for people who dont have video call capabilities.
Indianapolis Chapter Above- All are Welcome to have their own TWA Career Interview.
<Click Here> to Listen to Bobs Testimonial about his great interview
with Full Hilarious Stories on the audio button below.
with Full Hilarious Stories on the audio button below.
Bob had a few more stories to add
Interviews start at $5 per min By Phone and $10 per min for Video Call interview with your pictures as slides to discuss
Indy Alumni Questions:
GOTO: Honoring the Unsers Racing Family:
45 Top Race Professionals. Family & Friends interviewed for 730 minutes all separate Video and Phone Interviews
& www.VoicesLiveOn.com/Interviews
To learn more about what we can do for your TWA Interview, or how we can help preserve your Families History,
Please submit <Click Here>, or email [email protected] or call 3175145321.
45 Top Race Professionals. Family & Friends interviewed for 730 minutes all separate Video and Phone Interviews
& www.VoicesLiveOn.com/Interviews
To learn more about what we can do for your TWA Interview, or how we can help preserve your Families History,
Please submit <Click Here>, or email [email protected] or call 3175145321.