Hershel "Woody" Williams 98 years in 2022 and served in WWII and is a Medal of Honor recipient from the Battle of Iwo Jima. Woody was chosen to be one of the first to train troops to use the "new weapon in WWII -Flame Thrower". Woody also spent 20 years as a Marine in multiple departments, and 33 years working for the Veterans Affaires Department in WV. helping Veterans and families gain their benefits. In recent years Woody has launch a national Monument Building Campaign for 5 Star Families who have lost a loved one during their service with the military. He also has Sea Vessel Military Base named after him USS Hershel "Woody" Williams. Sean Kurker from VoicesLiveOn.com/Interviews had interviewed a fellow Medal of Honor www.RonaldERosser.com from Korean War in 2019 who proceeded to be a Presidential Advisor for every president since Harry Truman. Now interviewing people who knew Ronald so people can learn from each persons perspective.
A) ATTENTION: Active Military, Veterans, & Families can have Relaxed & Therapeutic Life Story & Families Appreciating a Veteran,,, Interviews"
B) People & Companies can SAVE/"Sponsor" a Veterans Life Stories & Appreciation from their Families? - 1, 2 or many. Even every Month. Sponsors Gain thank you interviews from the Veterans to share with your family or Businesses can Showcase to public
C) NEED AN AWESOME JOB? Want to Interview Veterans, Families, and the Public. Interviewers gain Duel Therapy, and help heal PTSD?
Plus, you're saving Veteran Stories for their Families. *** BECOME one of our STORY GUIDES! |
Key Note speaker Victoria Sparks Congress woman
SRGT Major Ronald E Rosser www.RonaldERosser.com <<<<Click Here Co-Interviewed By National Military Historian David Fraley and Sean Kurker. Ronald earned: 2 Medals of Honor from US & South Korea and has been a Presidential War Advisor for Truman, Kennedy, and every president since.
David Haboush Fire Chief Carmel 9 11 2021 Event at Wolfies on Geist Congress & Victoria Sparks spoke
Jeff Muszar Fire Captian EDO EMT Med Indianapolis 9 11 2021 Event Wolfies on Geist
Victoria Sparks Congress woman shoots gun honoring 911 2021 Event- speaks to Bob Solomon at Wolfies
Jeff Hallall- honoring Son Deryk Hallal Marine died in battle: 9 11 2021 Event at Wolfies on Geist
Pam Hallal mother of Deryk Hallal Marine died in battle at 9 11 2021 event at Wolfies on Geist
James Mullan Noblesville VFW Post 6246 Commander 9 11 Event 2021 Geist Wolfies 21 Gun Salute
Larry Frinmeiger and Johhny Batts 9 11 2021 event Wolfies on Geist Honoring the fallen
Bruce McKey Indiana Spirit of 45 Playing Trump Tapes- 9 11 2021 Event Wolfies of Geist
Don Fermillian Plays Bag Pipes tohonor Veterans at 911 Event 2021 at Wolfies on Geist
Dave Bectle Cornett horn player for Veteran Events 911 2021 at Wolfies on Geist
Lydia Abbott International Patriotic Singer 911 2021 Event Wolfies Geist Victoria Sparks also spoke
Don Hawkins Veterans Support Council and Mayors Advisory Council for Veterans Indianapolis 911 2021
Imagine a Veteran gaining closure by saving Life & Military Stories.
Plus, giving Appreciation for who they served, Family, Friends, & sharing segments with Future Generations. |
Imagine Veterans at anytime being able to Click & Listen to each friend or family member, sharing their Favorite Memories & Best Wishes about them 24/7 from their phone or computer.
Battling PTSD | Healing People | Employing Veterans | Saving Stories for the Future
Please Submit Your Info if A) B) or C) above apply. CLICK HERE |
By Phone or In Person...
Our Story Guides Help Walk Veterans & Families through Relaxed Conversation Interviews We present Life and Military Topics and Ask Deeper Questions Saving Discussions to inspire and educate and sharing into the future. 1) Veterans can "Discuss & Save" stories about: Growing up | Motivation to Join | Favorite Friends | Skills Learned | Who to Honor | and What to Say to inspire other veterans, families, and the public in the process! Create a Veterans & Families LIBRARY OF LIFE page. Click Listen to each segment and Share Save Post or Text page and links. 2) OVER THE PHONE: Family & Friends; We call to Honor a Active Duty, Surprise a Veteran or Honor the Fallen. ALL go on a LIBRARY OF LOVE & APPRECIATION Online Page. Everyone can: Click & Listen, Save, share any message at any time. People heal by listening to each person memories and thanks of the fallen Veteran. |
Veterans Life Stories & Family Appreciation Interviewing Service:
1: Saves Veteran Stories for Families & Future Generations 2: Employing Veterans to Interview Veterans- (Duel Therapy) 3: Creates a NEW fundraiser for Veteran Non-Profits 4: Companies can Sponsor Saving Veterans Life Stories 5: Deceased Veterans Stories can be saved from the people who served with and cared for them. |
OPERATION: Saving Stories & Healing Veterans
Veterans listening to other Veterans TELLING their stories is healing. Veterans knowing their Story is SAVED so others can listen, become inspired, and pass them on, is LIBERATING. Veteran Families speaking about Veteran Loved Ones, sharing Appreciation & Favorite memories helps the Veteran & the Family inspire each other. |
INTERESTED? Saving Veteran Stories | Being a Veteran Interviewer? | Your Company Sponsoring Veterans Life Interviews: Please Submit Info CLICK HERE
We Guide Relaxed Conversations w/ Military, Life, & Family Topics and we ask Deeper Questions
Creating a LIBRARY OF LIFE LINKS to Click & Listen to each "SEGMENT", Email, Download, and Save.
Passing them on to Teach, Inspire, Honor, & Heal people today and future generations!
CREATE A LIFE STORY PAGE TO SHOWCASE THEM ALL: www.RonaldERosser.com 2 Medals of Honor from US & Korea
We Guide Relaxed Conversations w/ Military, Life, & Family Topics and we ask Deeper Questions
Creating a LIBRARY OF LIFE LINKS to Click & Listen to each "SEGMENT", Email, Download, and Save.
Passing them on to Teach, Inspire, Honor, & Heal people today and future generations!
CREATE A LIFE STORY PAGE TO SHOWCASE THEM ALL: www.RonaldERosser.com 2 Medals of Honor from US & Korea
We can help Veteran Non-Profit Raise Money, BUILD A STORY ARCHIVE on their Website
Employee Veterans to Interview Veterans and Civilians
Employee Veterans to Interview Veterans and Civilians
Paul Cauley with President George Bush Vietnam Veteran-
Founder of Mayors Advisory Council for Veterans & President of WWII Roundtable of Indianapolis- Ernie Pyle Chapter- About his VOICES LIVE ON interviewing experience Click & Listen Paul's FULL VIETNAM Experience Interview Click Here Jill Fewell speaks about Veterans Interviewing Veterans, Saving the Stories for others to Listen to, and it becoming a Fundraiser. Click Here & Listen . Jill speaks about Gold Star Families Memorial Monument Click & Listen . Jill speak about the Veterans Support Council and other Organizations she helps Click & Listen
![]() MEDAL of HONOR KOREA: SRGT Ronald E Rosser won 2 Medals one from America one from Korea for his heroism. His interview with our Military Historian David and our Founder Sean is incredible.
www.RonaldERosser.com Native American and Vietnam Veteran Arthur Ortega speaks about growing up, Military experience, Birthday wishes and favorite memories to his wife of 53 years, and favorite memories with the grandchildren. Arthur also mentions what he like about his interview and hoes his family will add their appreciation and favorite memories interviews about he and his wife. <Click Here>
Tim Piper Marine Amputee -Hiannis Ma. to Nantucket Sailing Race. <Click Here> Sponsored By: 93.1 WIBC Smart Money Radio - Host Casey Marx & Crown Haven Wealth Advisors
For All 20+ Veteran & Sailing Interviews on Memorial Day Weekend 200+ Boats racing to Nantucket Island from Hiannis Ma. <Click Here>
Deputy Chief of Police Steve Xiarhos of Yarmouth MA. Looses Veteran Son Nick 10 Years ago has started a 30 mile 1000 motor cycle fundraising race in his honor. Click & Listen
Founder Sean J Kurker Speaks to 180+ Veterans about, Saving Life & Military Stories for Families, Employing Veterans, it being a fundraiser, & linking stories to WWII website CLICK HERE
1st Class Sergeant Ronald E Rosser Awarded 2 Medals of Honor and selected the deceased veteran for Tomb of Unknow Soldier for Korean War- born 1929 He has advised every President from Truman to Trump. Rosser speaks of survival in the woods at 12 yrs old, training Colin Powell, Advising JFK, Charging 1000's of Koreans and Chinese troops and many others historical events first hand. CLICK HERE and Listen to our interviews.
On Left: Paul Cauley & President George Bush - Vietnam Veteran - Founder MACV- Mayors Advisory Council for Veteran Services- Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans- President of WWII Round table Indianapolis - Ernie Pyle Chapter-
"PonyTail" Paul- Speaks about his interview with Voices Live On & value to Veterans. CLICK HERE |
INTERESTED??? Veterans | Veteran Interviewers | Veteran Owned Companies/Non-Profit Organizations
Please Submit Info CLICK HERE
Please Submit Info CLICK HERE
John about his Veterans lunch group, "Service Club of Indiana", and Army experience in Vietnam Click Here