Voices Live On... Forever!
Professional Interviews that Save Seniors Life Stories, Families Memories of Seniors Alive and Honor who's Passed On, Businesses History and Career Highlights, Alumni Memories & Church Stories, Race Legends great moments, Veterans Stories, and Kids Memories of Family and Successes.
Audio and Video Interviews can be transcribed in to a PDF to share or printed book with a custom cover of images.
Professional Interviews that Save Seniors Life Stories, Families Memories of Seniors Alive and Honor who's Passed On, Businesses History and Career Highlights, Alumni Memories & Church Stories, Race Legends great moments, Veterans Stories, and Kids Memories of Family and Successes.
Audio and Video Interviews can be transcribed in to a PDF to share or printed book with a custom cover of images.
Erika Brooke's Overview:
From traveling the world during her twenty year Pharma/Diagnostics career, to raising three kids, and assisting at the bedside of the dying, Erika is passionate about stories and the impact sharing them has on humanity. Making a career pivot to EMS and writing adds to the depth and breadth of her story sharing passion and makes her eager to interview and capture others’ memories and wisdom |
If you'd like to be connected to Erika for her to conduct a story guided interview by phone, in person, or video call with historic image screen slides to discuss, please email [email protected] or [email protected] and let us know your interest, and we will connect you.
1st watch: General Overview: Passion for Saving people's stories and Erika's Family memories of Nashville IN. also GoTo: NashvilleIndianaStories.com also GoTo Indy Stories.com for all the ways we save and many examples with Indiana Legends.
Erika's interview at THE MERIDIAN Restaurant in Meridian/Kessler area in Indianapolis. A Partner Interview Location of ours. GoTo: www.SavingStoriesMeridian.com to see the others with Key People in the community.
Mother Daughter Video Call Interview with Family and Nashville images and great stories from both perspectives.
Eric and Erika his niece video call interview with historic Nashville images. Eric works at the Nashville Play House.
We help Seniors, Families, Companies, and Groups in Many Ways
50 Race Legends Interview/Mini Documentaries about the 9X Indy 500 Winning Family. www.UnserStories.com