1. Has your Track, Team, or Driver story be documented and tying in sponsors for 2024? 2. Do your sponsors have a voice to your fans? 3. How can your fans know your history & who endorses you? We give professional race video call interviews remotely nationwide with... Driver/Team/Track Career Stories & Race Professionals Stories to endorse them. We can interview or add in video messages from Sponsors. Sponsors can have their own version to share.
Building Mini Documentaries... linking to merch, website, and social media. Build Your Campaign + "Linking" Race Career Stories w/ Sponsors to Merch & T-Shirts w/ Custom QR-codes and we have quality printing partners. You will grow your endorsements and gain the perspectives of Coaches, Mentors, Racers, Owners, & Sponsors about the Driver/Team/Track through video call Documentary Interviews that shows and tells the History and Future Goals! By including Sponsors interviews with Driver Stories, it helps Fans learn about you and gives NEW value to the sponsors. ![]()
*We guide a race professional Video Call interview with Drivers/Teams/Track Staff, and combine the videos with track footage and pics, plus can add the people/Sponsors interviews who endorse them.
= Mini Race Documentaries-That can be linked with custom QR Codes to
T- Shirts, Merch, Lapel Pins, Websites & Social media
+ We also can create screen slide w/ images of their careers and interactions to show on screen and discuss on video call interview.
*Our Voice is behind the slides guiding the conversation. When the drivers & endorsers speak it cuts to their faces telling the backstories.
* The 9X Indy 500 willing Family had us conduct close to 50 with race legends about AL Unser Sr. Al Unser Jr, & Bobby Unser. www.UnserStories.com
* We have conducted over 550+ Interviews/Documentaries with Race Legends, Indy 500 Winners, Vintage Indy 500 Car Histories, Track Interviews, PRI Convention Interviews, Race Book Overviews, Young driver Stories, Resume Highlight Reel, & Endorsement Mini-Documentaries.
= Mini Race Documentaries-That can be linked with custom QR Codes to
T- Shirts, Merch, Lapel Pins, Websites & Social media
+ We also can create screen slide w/ images of their careers and interactions to show on screen and discuss on video call interview.
*Our Voice is behind the slides guiding the conversation. When the drivers & endorsers speak it cuts to their faces telling the backstories.
* The 9X Indy 500 willing Family had us conduct close to 50 with race legends about AL Unser Sr. Al Unser Jr, & Bobby Unser. www.UnserStories.com
* We have conducted over 550+ Interviews/Documentaries with Race Legends, Indy 500 Winners, Vintage Indy 500 Car Histories, Track Interviews, PRI Convention Interviews, Race Book Overviews, Young driver Stories, Resume Highlight Reel, & Endorsement Mini-Documentaries.
Example: Formula Ford Winner UK & USA Andre's Life Story, Career Highlight Reel, Endorsements Documentaries all linked to his website.
AndreLafondRacing.com ![]()
*** Share your PDF overview with live links to endorsement interviews with potential sponsors. Sponsors can be included on Main Career Overview to give THEM A VOICE & NEW value to 2024 season.
Provided By Mario Andretti for his video call interview about the Unsers. Roger Penske & Jr. Mario and Michael, Bobby Unser & Jr. Al Unser Sr. & AL Jr. at Michigan Speedway. One of the most Iconic photos in racing.
1 of 30 photos Provided by Michael Andretti for his video call interview about the Unsers. Michael Raced against Al Unser Jr and Many other race legends and now is goin for Formula 1
1 of Many photos Sarah Fisher provided for her Video call interview about the Unsers.
We have evolved the Screen slides on Driver & Endorsement Video call Mini-Documentaries. *** See Below |
Below are examples of Mini Documentaries VIA Video Call Interviews with Screen slides
For Driver Careers, Endorsers, Sponsors & Highlight Career Reels.
For Driver Careers, Endorsers, Sponsors & Highlight Career Reels.
E: [email protected] P: 317-514-5321
Check out Links Below
200+ On YouTube Channel
Main Site Voices of Racing Legends Life Stories
50 Mini Docs UnserStories.com
Check out Links Below
200+ On YouTube Channel
Main Site Voices of Racing Legends Life Stories
50 Mini Docs UnserStories.com