Mike Lashmett is the founder of Vintage Indy™ which is dedicated to the history and preservation of Indianapolis race cars. Vintage Indy™ has been featured as an on-track companion event to IndyCar®️ at select IndyCar®️ races such as the Bommarito 500, and Big Machine Music City Grand Prix since 2018.
NEW FOR OWNERS- Start Sharing Vehicle History & Great Race Stories
VIA Video Call W/ Historic Images- Documentary Interviews Hello Vintage Indy™ car owners you can now tell the history of your vehicles, how you found them, and your favorite memories of racing to save and share with fellow car owners, fans at race events, at car shows, and pass them on to friends and family for generations . |
Owner Interviews will be attached to Vintage Indy™
Vintage Indy Registry under the Registry dropdown tab < on the website by the vehicles year, and you can add photos from the video in your section. |
You can share your Racing Legacy Documentary video with business cards and windshield sheets designed with your Vehicle image, info, QR code and web address to print and hand out/text/email your link to fellow Vintage Indy owners, race event fans, friends, and family.
How will these interviews be conducted?
*** NATIONWIDE!!! VIA video computer call with you being guided through a conversation with your vehicle and racing memory's photos by Sean Kurker the founder of VoicesofRacing.com p: 317-514-5321 [email protected] *** Vintage Indy™ Owners & Race Legends interviews are below!
Vintage Indy Owners Please <Click Here> to submit your info & We will follow up w/ info.
*** NATIONWIDE!!! VIA video computer call with you being guided through a conversation with your vehicle and racing memory's photos by Sean Kurker the founder of VoicesofRacing.com p: 317-514-5321 [email protected] *** Vintage Indy™ Owners & Race Legends interviews are below!
Vintage Indy Owners Please <Click Here> to submit your info & We will follow up w/ info.
1st Watch: Chuck Jones message to Vehicle Owners about his interview experience, the NEW value to Vintage Indy™ car owners for June events and any day into the future.
2nd Watch Chuck Jones interview about the history and
awards of his 3 Vintage Indy™ cars, his racing experiences, career, and family support. |
Below Watch Interviews w/ Mike Lashmett | Mario Andretti | Michael Andretti | Doug Boles | Paul Page IMS Announcer
On Mobile Phone's Slide Video Left and click enlarge Cross +
You can download PDF's Below:
1st 5 Steps to Documentary Video --- 2nd Doc Video Interview Topics & Promo Material Our Clients
3rd UnserStories.com Official Flier
You can download PDF's Below:
1st 5 Steps to Documentary Video --- 2nd Doc Video Interview Topics & Promo Material Our Clients
3rd UnserStories.com Official Flier
Watch Mike Lashmett's message to Vintage Indy™ Car Owners
Mike's 35 minute full Interview with his Vintage Indy™ Cars
Mario Andretti's interview w/ Sean for UnserStories.com
Doug Boles- President of IMS w/ Sean for UnserStories.com
Sean Kurker's company is saving the Vintage Indy's Vehicle's History and the owners Racing Stories for YEAR ROUND promotion digital sharing on social media, email/text, and at events, car shows, for fans, friends, family, and for future generations.
Sean's conducted 100's of race industry interviews with VoicesofRacing.com
Saving legends life stories, with teams and drivers on the track/in the pits, cars shows, the PRI Convention, and for SILO Auto Club & Conservancy for www.SiloCarStories.com . Saving Oral History/memories told by legends, family members, and other race professionals, about Legends life stories to gain many people's memories/perspectives of a person. The Unser Racing Family hired Sean to interview Race Legends about their favorite memories of Al Unser Sr, Bobby Unser, & Al Unser Jr. www.UnserStories.com <46 people 800+ Minutes: including Mario Andretti, Paul Page, Michael Andretti, Will T Ribbs, IMS President Doug Boles, Eddie Cheever, Scott Goodyear, Sarah Fisher, Wanda AL Sr 1st wife, Al Jr's Kids and wife, and many others. |
Vintage Indy™ Owner Interviews can run between 20-40+ minutes.
*** Sean can schedule and complete interviews &
design promo material for Indy JUNE & All 2022 Events ***
START... Sharing Your Story to the world!
Please <Click Here> to submit your info, and you will be contacted to schedule yours, and discuss customizing your Racing Legacy Documentary and pricing.
Sean's contact info is [email protected] & 317.514.5321
*** Sean can schedule and complete interviews &
design promo material for Indy JUNE & All 2022 Events ***
START... Sharing Your Story to the world!
Please <Click Here> to submit your info, and you will be contacted to schedule yours, and discuss customizing your Racing Legacy Documentary and pricing.
Sean's contact info is [email protected] & 317.514.5321
START sharing your vehicles story and your memories of the sport.
<Click Here> to submit your info & you will be contacted.
<Click Here> to submit your info & you will be contacted.